Monday 14 November 2011


Through the examples to the left and below, we denote that the font across all of the album covers are similar; with clean, straight lines, with bold colours that stand out from the background.

Throughout all the example album covers, their fonts are usually the main feature. On the Jay-Z, the hit collection, the album is light grey, with the album title in small white writing in the same font, whereas the artist's name is in large, bold, dark grey writing in the same font, this has connotations relating to the importance of the artist in the hip hop/ rap scene. It promotes the idea of Jay-Z being so big in the hip hop/rap scene that his name alone is the foremost selling point of the album cover even without an image.

Within my digipak and poster I am going to conform to these stylistic conventions, they will be simple, with the clear name of artist, album name, date of release, company. This is due to my subverting many of the codes and conventions of a hip hop/rap music video. It is better to have a mixture of conforming and subverting a genre as it makes what you are subverting more obvious and powerful.

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