Tuesday 15 November 2011

shot list

Title: Miss Cigarette

Author: Callum Black

Shot List

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1. Opening shot, stop motion with 'Miss' made out of cigarettes

2. Moving to 'Cigarette' coming into shot again made out of cigarettes, some smoke will drift across shot

3. Still Shot- close up of hand

4. This shot will be a hand sweep / fade which comes across the title of 'miss cigarette' and knocks the cigarettes off a table which comes into view an fall to the ground

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5. Black screen shot

6. Shot then fades into sky with clouds. This will be a low angle tilt

7. We then have a tilt down mid shot which shows two people a woman and a man

8. The shot then has the two people walking forward towards the camera and past it

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9.We have a urban london street. Wide long shot looking down the road

10. We have a split shot with view of the street and then looking down at the people

11. The two people are walking forward with the camera tracking backwards

12. Shot of off licence sign with sky and urban scene behind. This will be a tilting up POV shot

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13. Continued POV shot as the man proceeds to walk into the off license shop

14. Continued POV shot in shop with man behind the counter coming into view

15. Shot moves to hand on packet of cigarettes - close up

16. The shot then is of the man leaving the shop from the other side of the road, with cars passing on the road

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17. We now have repeat shot of the two people walking down the street with the camera in front of them

18. The shot fades into a band playing in a room the track which has been playing. It has three members, the two people seen so far ( man and woman) and another man we call 3. The shot then fades as they sit down and we then have a split screen change

19. The shot the has the original man and woman sitting on a bench in a urban park with bottles and cans on the ground.  The look is off then being drunk

20. The shot then moves to a full shot of them walking in a park together

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 21. Shot of close up of a hand and arm beside a packet of cigarettes  as man falls over in POV

22. Stop motion shot with cigarettes moving over the hand in POV

23. Pull pack shot of woman helping man up and both start walking again, this then becomes a long shot

24. Mid shot of the couple leaving the park

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25 Split Screen/ frame shot as they walk the man pushes the girl into the other screen/frame

26. The man and woman are now shot walking on each side of a urban london screen with a mid shot

27. We have a fade shot and change of location to a cafe from the street. This is then a mid shot of the two men sitting having coffee at a table. On the table you have a packet of cigarettes

28. Stop motion shot with the cigarettes now coming out of packet and running up the mans arm and into his mouth. With surprise the man spits it out just as the girl walks past the window of the cafe and sees this

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29. A wide shot as the man who spat out the cigarette leaves the cafe. And goes outside

30. The shot is then a split screen. Like 25 and the man pulls the woman back into his screen which becomes a wide shot

31. We have a repetition of 7 of the couple walking down the street together in a mid shot

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