Tuesday 15 November 2011

Recce Shots and Locations

The advantages of the outside locations is that there is an almost infinite variety available with similar characteristics. The images could almost depict any inner city landscape, apart from the red London bus. The graffiti art is symbolic of youth and street style and again there is a plentiful amount of it all around London.

The disadvantages are regarding the unpredictability of the English weather, particularly this time of year. The grey skies can often appear quite flat and dull which could have a detrimental effect on the vibrancy of the video. This is an issue as the artists I am making the video of are young  and energetic. In the Hip Hop/Rap genre the videos are usually vibrant. Some locations may require permission for filming, train stations for example.

The images portray the star persona of the band as they are taken from an urban inner city area such as Brick Lane, Clapham and West Norwood, all which have connotations relating to youth culture. Looking at the pictures they have links to graffiti, modern street art, but also every day locations like Clapham train station, Norwood High Street. This also represents the genre  of hip hop/rap due to the urban scene's that are a convention of this genre type

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