Friday 13 January 2012

encounted difficults

Another problem encountered is the lip synching, the main male actors Micheal Godfrey and Callum Black. The problem that occurred was due to Micheal not exaggerating the words strongly enough, so even though the image and the music are in synch, the image does not look like its synched to the music. Another issue that has arisen is that the camera position, it is appears different for both the actors, this may be due to the fact that one of the actors is a lot larger than the other, which may have messed up the position of the camera. Due to timing restrictions there cannot be any re shoots; so to fix the problems I change the scale of the image so that the positioning appears similar to the other actor. However this caused another problem, when you zoom in the quality of the image is adversely affected. This is unfortunately an unavoidable situation.     

The picture to the left shows a section of the performance that is incorporated within the music production. This section has to be reshot because the lighting is not as it should be. The audience feedback indicated that this was necessary as this section was confusing as it is the only footage where I'm seen clearly throughout the media production. Also there are sections of the footage where it is clear that I am reading from a lyric sheet.

This section also shows some more footage that needs to be reshot, this is due to a less than satisfactory mise en scene, but also the camera angle is not great. This was due to some obstructions that were difficult to move, such as a dining table and the instruments were ether to hard to move or to expensive to be moved without supervision. To counteract these difficulties I will film multiple close ups from different angles.

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