Sunday 4 March 2012

Evaluation A2 question 2

In terms of the house style the music video and the ancillary text, my digipak and poster, have some common and strong links, though in retrospect I could have combined them more conclusively and effectively. One way the two media texts are combined is through the mise en scene location, in the video urban gritty locations are used and this is reflected through the graffiti art used in the ancillary texts. A majority of the locations within the music video are shot outside which links to the ancillary texts. There is no representation of wealth or glamour in any of the texts, which is to appeal to the primary audience being targeted, the young, working/middle class city dwellers. The prosaic commonplace ordinariness of the locations, have links to the primary target audience.
The star persona of the artist in both the music video and the ancillary texts are both represented in the same way, which is no representation at all in the ancillary texts and no promotion of the artist as a star persona in the music video. Star persona is not used as a selling point.
Women are not represented in a glamourous way in any of the texts, subverting the idea of the male gaze. The performer is androgynous which links to the image in the top right of the digipak, the image could be either male or female.
Though there some effective combinations between the music video and the ancillary texts, there are some weaknesses. One being that there is no link between the typography in the music video and the ancillary texts. This is also the case with the colour scheme, in the digipak and poster orange features heavily to contrast with the dull, darker colours. This is not represented in the music video and could have been incorporated in the clothing or by filming in the location where the graffiti art was shot. The owl graffiti is such a strong image and could have been used as motif to combine the main product, the music video, and the ancillary texts, the digipak and poster.
The genre is represented within the ancillary texts, though not that heavily, in terms of how it links to British urban youth culture rather than the more glamourous generic conventions of American hip hop/rap ancillary texts. In the music video there more subversion of rather than compliance of generic conventions.
Overall I think that the material works well to cross promote the album and the artist. As I have stipulated there are some weaknesses but given the main ideas about how I wanted to subvert the genre, through denying the male gaze and not using star persona, are represented I think that the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

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