Wednesday 1 February 2012

how the feedback was used

I acted on the feedback from the first draft by making changes to the music video final copy. Firstly, I used some newly filmed performances to cut up some of the longer clips, such as the sped up traffic scene. I re- filmed the section of me lip synching and switched with Michael to produce a better flow and continuity.

final music video

feedback from the first draft

On Monday 23rd of january the class watch the music videos and feedback was given. We were given a week to act on the feedback from the students and the teacher. I was also given a chance to give discuss the feedback on my work and the areas that needed improvement. I thought I did this well.

Generally the main feedback was that the music video had a good flow, with an easy to follow narrative arc. The main positives were the split screen throughout the music video and the use of spot motion through the use of cigarettes. Some of the negatives were that some of the clips were to long, and a bit repetitive.  Also mentioned was that my presence within the video during the lip synching was a bit random and did not fit within the narrative.  The performance had to be re-filmed due to due to bad mise en scene.

final first draft